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Rules of Conduct on our Servers

Listed below are the SOS General Rules of Conduct for Non-Members when visiting our server. You are expected to observe each rule, there are no exceptions. Failure to comply with these rules may result in any number of consequences by Admin .

1. Do not use foul or offensive language in game or on Team Speak (TS) as this will not be tolerated as we do have other players of all ages visiting our server.

2. Do not accuse players of unfair play (Cheating or using Glitches) which could draw you into a verbal battle in game or on TS. Report it to an SOS member in game or post it into the Complaints Department Section of the Public Forum (Time, Date, Map, Players Name & what happened). SOS Admin will deal with it appropriately.

3. Play fairly and respect other players.

4. Visiting clans to our servers are not allowed to advertise themselves or recruit players. Failure to comply with this rule will result in any number of consequences (possibly including an immediate BAN !! from our server).

5. Use lower-case letters for in game communication as upper- case is considered shouting.

6. Politely ask people to move if they are blocking others during game play. If they refuse to respond report it in the Complaints Department Section of the Public Forum (Time, Date, Map,Players Name & what happened. SOS Admin will deal with it appropriately.

7. SOS has a free TeamSpeak 3 Server and we encourage the use of TS during game play, and your more than welcome to join us . Download TS3 from . Once downloaded Our IP Address is :- Password :- sos (Lower-Case).

Finally we would like to welcome you to SOS and look forward to speaking to you on TS3, but most of all remember to have fun.

Our CoD WaW server IP is:

Server donations:

PunkBuster Fix

PunkBuster Files
(You don't need to create a DropBox account to download file)

Windows 7 64bit Example of file paths:

AppData = C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\PunkBuster\WAW\pb

PB = C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\pb

Put PB in both locations (some computers use the AppData location and others use the Main file location). Be sure that both PunkBuster A and B are allowed through your FireWall. Also, run PunkBuster A and B as administrator from both locations.

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